Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is WWM for?

A: Missoula-based adult women & gender minorities ages 18+
who are interested in learning more about the trades and clean energy! There is no need to have prior experience in the trades to take part!

Q: What is the cost to enroll?

A: We are proud to offer this curriculum at NO COST, through generous grants from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Missoula College and the Clean Energy Workforce Coalition. If you need financial assistance for transportation, childcare, or technology or equipment associated with this program, please indicate this in your registration.

Q: What wrap around services are available to me?

A: We are here to help you navigate this process on an individual basis, including connecting you with transportation and childcare stipends, and free equipment and technology rentals. Please indicate your request for assistance in your application, or reach out to us in our contact form.

Q: What industry credentials will I leave the program with?

A: In addition to an OSHA 10 certification, you will receive a WWM training certificate upon successful completion of the course, plus connections to mentors and potential employers.

Q: Does WWM guarantee me a job?

A: This training does not guarantee you a job; however, the program will connect you with industry professionals, mentors and potential employers throughout the coursework to allow you to make personal connections and learn about career opportunities. It is our goal to see you become successfully employed!

Q: I don’t live in Missoula. can I still enroll in the program?

A: Yes! We welcome anyone in Montana to participate, as long as you are able to attend all in-person sessions.

Q: How can I hire WWM graduates?

A: Contact us for the list of WWM graduates ready to be hired!

Q: Can WWM train my current employees?

A: WWM is designed to serve independent students seeking a career in the clean energy trades and is not designed to provide training for a specific company. However, we would be delighted to have you on our list of potential employers and to offer opportunities to network with our graduates. Contact us to start a conversation!

Q: I need something built, will WWM come come help me?

A: We’re always looking for community-service building projects to offer our students a real-world opportunity to practice their skills. Projects should benefit the larger Missoula community either directly, or by supporting a local service organization or nonprofit. Send us a note with your need and we’ll start a conversation.

Other questions or concerns?

email us at